Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Good news today!

I took Miles to the eye doctor today. Thankfully no surgery is needed for his 'floating' eye yet. We will revisit the notion of surgery mid winter. He also didn't need to have a new prescription for his glasses. That would have set us back minimum of 200$. Good news for us!

Then upon returning home Miles was able to play with his cousin Ethan. Cindi came to watch Claire while Miles was at the doctor. He had to have his little eyes dilated so that takes at least an hour. The kids played so well together! It was a rare luxury for them to be playing together and no fighting. 3 kids under the age of 4. Yep. Happy kids. Happy moms.

My mom called to say that she will hopefully get out of the hospital in the next few days. I guess she is getting better, but she sounds terrible at this point.

We will be purchasing a new dvd player for the car. It will be my early birthday gift from my parents. Thanks mom and dad!

And now....Ryan will be home shortly to play with the kids and I get to sit on my butt for about 30 min before I start dinner. Hopefully Miles won't snub his nose at dinner tonight. But I'm not holding my breath.

Finally. I am breathing a little easier today.

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