Friday, November 21, 2008

For the LOVE!

Lately I have been feeling a bit under the weather. Just kind of queasy and stuff. Some heart burn from eating after NOT eating for 2 days. But this morning I just Not quite right. So I went to the doctor. Once again Ryan had to take the day off. Poor guy.

The doctor indicated that I may have GERD. What the fuck? All I know is she was talking about scopes and biopsies and all this medication for treatment. No thank you very much. I am poked and prodded enough yearly with this curse of liver disease. But to have you scraping the crap out of my stomach literally. Pass.

So I am home with strict instructions. Food list. Things I can and can't eat. Pepcid over the counter. And yes.....the "sample". *cringe* I can't even begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to that. At any rate. Thankfully I can freeze *double cringe* said sample until return if I can't get it to the clinic right away. And as it is Friday, it is looking more and more like Ryan will NOT be allowed in the freezer for a few days. Ah gross. The worst part is no coffee, no chocolate, no caffeine. Those are a lot of things that keep me happy mom/wife during the day. Man are we in for a rocky weekend.

So I am planning on taking a nap. Maybe all this monkey business will go away if I just sleep it off. God....what would I do without my husband? He is utilizing his time well. Waiting to get Miles from his field trip, he is on the roof hanging Christmas lights. I didn't even have to ask. And FYI it is very very cold out. He is excited to use the new timer we got for the lights. Oh boys and their tech crap.

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