Monday, November 10, 2008

What the FUZUCK?!!!!!!!

Ryan said he read because this passed, kids who have been placed with gay and lesbian couples will be removed from their current living situation. That means......these kids who have been ADOPTED LEGALLY will be taken from their PARENTS!!!!!

“We believe that the best place for a child to grow up is in a stable home with a married mother and father,” said Jerry Cox, president of Family Council Action Committee, which obtained 95,000 signatures to place the proposal on state ballots. “But we also believe in blunting a gay agenda that we see at work in other states with regard to marriage and adoption issues.”

I am moving to Canada. I see in my future, government telling me my interracial marriage is no longer legal and therefore my kids will be sent back to Korea to be adopted by wholesome white couples who are married and whatnot. I'd like to see them try to take our kids from us. OOOOHHH the blood would spill.

(Ok.....clarification. Once the law passes Jan 1 2009 kids in foster care will be pulled not the ones adopted. However, those couples who are in the process of adoption may not be able to complete their adoption if they are 1. not a married couple, 2. a gay or lesbian couple.) I'm sick.


Jilly said...

It's bad enough Jerry Cox himself is such a dumbass but he got 95,000 signatures, for the love of god what the hell is wrong with people?!? 95,000 ignorant stupid fucking people

SJT said...

Thank you. I concur.

Unknown said...

Way to sensationalize something that, while bad, is not nearly as bad as you made it out to be.

Party Boy aka Gage said...

Says the straight guy