Sunday, March 22, 2009

I should stop reading the paper in the Sunday paper....there is an article in the Parade magazine. This is a little circular in the Sunday paper which I read...for fluff. But today the main article is titled, "The World's 10 Worst Dictators" by David Wallenchinsky.

Now...I try to keep up with the goings on in the world. But to keep myself from building a steel shelter, filling it with supplies, loading my family in, and not letting them out for years and years, I keep it to a minimum. I don't want to be naive to things, but I don't want to end up in a depression so deep injectable "happy chill pills" can't get me out.

Reading this article today made me cringe. I do know of some of these men. I have read about them, and what they do. The worst dictator right now according to the writer is Robert Mugabe, the leader of Zimbabwe. That man is one sick fucker. Well so are the rest of them. They really really are. Crimes against humanity? I say "BOOOOO-urns!" Here is the run down....according to the writer:
1: Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe)
2: Omar al-Bashir (Sudan)
3: Kim Jong-Il (N. Korea)
4: Than Shwe (Burma)
5: King Abdullah (Saudi Arabia)
6: Hu Jintao (China)
7: Sayyid Ali Khamenei (Iran)
8: Isayas Afewerki (Eritrea)
9: Gurbanguly Berdymuhammadov (Turkmenistan)
10:Muammar al-Qaddafi (Lybia)

I almost feel like I should live in a bubble. I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life like I did yesterday...playing outside in clean air with my kids and friends surrounding me. Having dinner with them and drinking clean water. Without fear that it could be taken away in a nano-second because some sick bastard just decided that my 2 year old daughter looked "nice". But then again, I feel such sadness knowing these men are torturing, raping, starving, imprisoning, and killing their own people.

Yes yes...I will stop reading for now. Enjoy my family and friends once again. As well as the luxuries I take for granted everyday. But I know I can't turn a blind eye, and I am more then certain I will hear/read/see more that is happening in the world. It's ok...sometimes things are ok. If they get worse, you can find me in my underground bunker. If you want in..bring your own supplies and knock twice while singing Delta Dawn. I love that song.

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