Monday, March 30, 2009

Provocation need not apply!

Today I have been provoked to be annoyed. Is that possible? Something provoked me and NOW I am annoyed. There..that's what I meant to say.

I can't specifically point to what it is that pissed me off, but it's there. I would have to say there is a whole plethora of things that lead up to the proverbial straw that broke the damn camel's back. And...well....RAWWWRRRR!!!!

I thought the day was gonna be just fine. Of course there is the standard that is my sleep pattern at night. Maybe 4 hours a night these days. But I am getting more and more used to sleep deprivation.

Then the actual "meatiness" of the day. Schlep kids here and there, do laundry, make meals for kids and spouse, and then...what the hell is that pinching in my neck? I think I have a stress related, no sleep gettin' injury. biggie.

I have the feeling it is the little things and conversations throughout the day, nothing specific, that have made me feel....salty. And YES I AM SALTY! That is the word I have been looking for all day! SALTY! I like it! SALTY!

I have decided I am done trying to be happy-go-lucky and just let the true nature and saltiness prevail. Surprisingly, I am not taking it out on the family per usual. I actually find them wonderful and down right lovely. I'm pretty sure this satly state of mind will subside by tomorrow, but for now.......

You want salt for that? I got some.