Finally I had my Occupational Therapy yesterday. My doctors have said I have inner ear damage and if I don't do OT I will be dizzy and nauseated forever. So I went.
I love my OT by the way. She is so funny and put me at ease right off the bat. And after the session I know why....she is the devil incarnate!
I am already dizzy pretty much everyday. The only way I can describe it is have been on a boat all day and when you go to lay down at night you still feel like you are rocking. And yes...I get motion sick. You can imagine how that feels for me. Lucky I don't blow chunks whenever I take a step at this point. But I manage pretty well. And it is high high comedy for the kids when I mis-step and trip into the walls or down the stairs.
Back to the torture. The exercises I have to do are pretty simple. Supposedly harmless and will "cure" me of the dizzies.
The first one is for me to fix my eyes on a point in front of me at eye level and at arms length away. I then shake my head back and forth like I'm saying No, very quickly. Try it. I have to do it for a minute.
The next one, I have to have 2 points shoulder height on my left and my right side. Then guessed it, shake my head back and forth as fast as I can while still looking at said points. Try that one right after the first. One whole minute.
Last I have to close my eyes, and pretend there is a pencil at the end of my nose and I have to draw a circle 10 times one way and then 10 times the other way. All in one set. All these things have to be done with my feet close together too.
So I did them today and they totally kicked my ass. I was dizzier then I have been in months, and I was on the verge of losing my lunch, which incidentally was pretty damn good. So for at least 4 hours I did very little movement for fear of either falling over or puking. Or worse both at the same time. What a mess that would be. And then I just passed out and fell asleep for an hour. When I woke up I felt a bit better.
All I can say is GOD DAMN! I have to do this 4 times a day. Sure they seem easy. And yes maybe I am being a totally pussy, but I have to do it and let me know how it goes for ya. Then imagine being dizzy already to start. Then having to do it again and again and again and again.
I go back in 2 weeks for "new" exercises. They should just rip my fingernails out one at a time. It would be less painful and the after effects wouldn't last as long.
Perhaps you should try countering the effects with more liquor?
You know...the effects are pretty much the same. I like your thinking.
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