Miles had his annual pre-school Christmas program today. He did ok. He sang and did the hand motions for the first song. Then it was all down hill from there.
I swear the kid looked bored out of his mind. At some point he was turned all the way around to see what the other kids on the risers where doing. That's when one of his teachers had to step in and tell him to turn the frick around. He looked annoyed that someone was telling him to stop what he was doing. So I think to punish her, he just stood there looking bored as hell. He even went so far as to let out the biggest yawn known to man. Several laughs ensued.
He is one of the smallest kids in the class so he is ALWAYS in the front. Last year we had many parents come up to us and say....."Oh that Miles is such a cutie and what a character!" Yes once in front of an audience shenanigans commence. Courtesy of my kid.
But it was a cute thing to see. Nothing too spectacular occurred. Did I mention Claire slept through the whole thing?
Afterward we went to the in-laws for dessert. It was nice of them to have us over. The kids got to play with their cousins and we had coffee and brownies.
Then we had to high tail it home as the weather was less the desirable. I told the kids they had to be super quiet on the way home so Ryan could concentrate on the road. The only thing uttered was this....."Mom did we get brunch today? Can we have brunch for dinner?" I think brunch escapes my Miles. We skipped brunch today with friends because I was feeling less then stellar. We just don't do it so he has no idea. But as a special request we are having mini pancakes for dinner. A reward for my singing fool!
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