Today I have had it. I finally called the doctor and scheduled to go in tomorrow. Now if you follow this blog at all, you know I have been sick for over a month now. Dizzy, nauseated, and tired as all hell. I went to doctors the middle of November and they decided it was "lady trouble". So they put me on the meds hoping it would help.
Not so damn much! So I let it go for several weeks. And now....I can't takes no more!
I have been dizzy everyday for weeks on end. Makes driving almost impossible. Imagine spinning around as fast as you can and then stopping. Remember how that felt? All fun and excitement when you were a kid landing in the grass and laughing your ass off. Not so funny when you are walking down the hall and fall into the bathroom door. No laughing occurs. Not one damn snicker. And I am no kid. Thankfully there is laughing on my kids' part. They think 'sick' mommy is fucking hilarious.
But this dizzy means, canceled plans. I had to cancel seeing a friend who is in town from Miami. Suck! I also canceled plans with another friend to stop over to exchange Christmas gifts. Double Suck! And I can't promise anything for Christmas. If I am lucky I will have to take the meds I took at Thanksgiving and be high off my ass for the whole day. My in-laws LOVED it. *note eye roll* I can't censor anything that comes out my mouth, and I usually do when I'm with them. And with good reason. I can be a sass pot. Yikes.
So I hope this damn doctor finds what the hell is wrong with me so I can get on with my life. Also...Miles is into spinning in a circle until he falls over. Not so much with the helping.
1 comment:
ya know what else sucks ass? when people don't blog every day
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